

A wine club worth joining…

I’ve mentioned before that I am a huge fan of Naked Wines but I need to make sure you know about my second love, Firstleaf. Perhaps “second love” is incorrect. I suppose it’s like having twin children. You love them both equally but they each have their own personalities, unique characteristics and quirks which makes your love different, but equal. Let’s go with that for a second!

Let’s say Firstleaf is my neat and tidy, by the-book child. Naked Wines is my paint smudged artistic child. Make sense?

Firstleaf Wine Club
(courtesy of Firstleaf)

The skinny…

Lets get this out of the way first: I did not receive any compensation or any inducements to write this review. At the time of this writing I have zero affiliate agreement or link with Firstleaf and this post is strictly my opinion from my personal experiences with them. Got it? Good.

Back in 2020 I gave myself a Firstleaf membership as a B-day present. I think it was $35 to join back then for your first 6 bottle order. Now I believe it’s around $45 for your first box. I have no clue when I upgraded from Classic to the Preferred Plan but I think it was when I could tell the difference between a Pinot Grigio and a Sauvignon Blanc. It comes out to about $100 for 6 bottles so that’s roughly $17 a bottle. It’s a bargain when you look to buy more and the vintage retails for $35 a bottle. You can’t beat that. Over three years later and I still get the giggles when I bring the box off the porch.

There are three types of memberships with about a $15 difference between them for 6 bottles delivered every 2 to 12 weeks. I think I get mine every 8 weeks and I am sticking to 6 bottles instead of upgrading to 12 no matter how tempted I may be. There must be some restraint, right?

The Plans…

Classic Plan = A “unique” 6-bottle selection of quality wine.
Preferred Plan = A “select” 6-bottle offering of noteworthy wine.
Premier Plan = A “top-tier” 6-bottle collection of world-class wine

Firstleaf Wine Club

I get a meticulously packed box with a beautiful mix of reds and whites in every box with a lovely giant newsletter that I thoroughly enjoy perusing. But what I really love are the “postcards” they give you on each wine. There is a gorgeous photo on one side that shows you where your bottle comes from. Some of these photographs are so beautiful, I want to frame them.

On the other side of the cards is a wealth of information on your wine. They tell you about the winery, the region, any accolades the wine has received. They give you tasting notes, nutritional information and even pairing suggestions. They really are a beautiful touch and make this a box worth subscribing to.

Firstleaf works with winemakers in 12 different countries on 5 continents to bring you an amazing sampling of what the world of wine has to offer. A total bargain in my book. Go sign up now!


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