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How Getting Sidetracked Led Me to Start an Etsy Store

Hey there, fabulous people! It’s your friendly neighborhood entrepreneur with a knack for getting derailed and sidetracked. Today, I’m here to regale you with the hilarious and unlikely tale of how my meticulously planned life of building my business and expanding my personal brand got delightfully knocked into a rabbit hole and I started an Etsy store. As you all know by now, I’m trying to reinvent myself using the skills I’ve acquired over the years to create something completely new, fun and exciting. Buckle up for a wild ride as I dive into my new venture of selling original graphic t-shirts for food and wine lovers, eccentrics, and everyone who refuses to grow up!

It all started during a particularly rough week while I was prepping post templates for the rest of the month and was digging through my old graphic design tools. I dusted off my old school skills and started doodling stuff and realized they would be super cute on some t-shirts. These wouldn’t be just any t-shirts, they are whimsical masterpieces celebrating food, wine, and the delightful quirks of life. What was supposed to be a temporary distraction quickly turned into a full-blown obsession.

After much contemplation and research, I decided this could be a legitimate side hustle and took the plunge.  Just like that, my Etsy store was born, featuring original graphic t-shirts for food and wine enthusiasts, eccentrics, and eternal kids. Yes, my store is brand new, I’m super excited about revisiting my artist days and creating again.  I know it’s not Hout Coture, but it’s fashion!

The Juggle:
Business, T-Shirts, Caregiving, and All My Ventures

Now, let’s talk about the juggling act. Taking care of my mother is a full-time gig that I volunteer to do, happily. I squeeze in business tasks between her medication schedules, naps, and meal times. Now, many nights, I find myself designing and answering customer inquiries in the wee hours, fueled by caffeine and determination. My mornings are for content creation, afternoons for writing and any class I missed the day before, and evenings for recipe development while I get momma’s dinner ready, and finally my congratulatory glass of wine.  Making it through another day is something to celebrate, after all. It’s chaotic, but seeing someone wear one of my shirts is awesome and the occasional sale makes it all worthwhile. Plus, it’s amazing how much productivity you can squeeze out when desperation is your middle name.

So far, one of the best parts about my Etsy store is the creative freedom. I get to unleash my wild ideas and connect with fellow weirdos who appreciate my humor and whimsy.

The positive feedback and support have been incredible, and it’s always a thrill to know my designs are bringing smiles (and maybe a few eye rolls) to people’s faces.

Now that I’ve somewhat mastered the art of multitasking, one of my next books will include not only my vast entrepreneurial wisdom but also the hilariously unpredictable journey down various side streets. I hope to inspire others to embrace life’s detours, laugh at their mishaps, and find joy in the unexpected.

Final Words of Wisdom (or Lack Thereof)

Being an entrepreneur means rolling with the punches and finding opportunity in chaos. My life’s journey thus far is a little weird, I admit.  From, my early days as a fashion designer, then on to law only to make a sharp left at Albuquerque and voile I’m a mystery writer.  Now I am an entrepreneur, life coach, chef, and wine professional forging a new path as a, what?  Let’s slot that as undefinable at this moment.  But now an Etsy newbie can be added to the CV.  All of this has taught me that the best paths are often the unplanned ones. So, fellow dreamers and doers, embrace the sidetracks and see where they lead. Who knows? No matter what your circumstances may be, you might just stumble upon your next big adventure or at least one hell of a story to tell.

Thanks for reading my tale of accidental Etsy-dom. If you want to check out my quirky designs, head on over to my Etsy store. Here’s to celebrating food, wine, and reinvention!


Stay tuned for more misadventures, entrepreneurial tips, and possibly a how-to guide on balancing your dreams with your distractions.

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