HomeBe MerryHello Summer 2024!
Summer 2024

Hello Summer 2024!

Summer’s Here!
Let’s Pretend We Love the Heat and BBQs!

Ah, summer! That magical time of year when we all lie to ourselves about loving the sweltering heat, the relentless mosquitoes, and the endless cycle of sunburns and sweat stains. Yes, folks, it’s that season again, and if you’re not excited yet, just wait for outings of forced fun, questionable food choices, and the age-old tradition of pretending you know the difference between a Merlot and a Malbec.  For the record, Malbec has thick dark-colored skins that create a deep purple wine. Merlot grapes are usually early to ripen and create a wine that is medium to deep ruby in color. Malbec wines are also usually fuller-bodied than Merlot and have a little more structure.

Historically, we have celebrated summer with the gusto of a rugby player in a hot dog eating contest. The ancient Egyptians built pyramids to mark the summer solstice, although I’m sure they were also cursing the relentless sun while doing so. Fast forward to medieval Europe, where folks jumped over bonfires during Midsummer festivities, a practice that surely earned some singed eyebrows and a few crispy toes.

In ancient Greece, they had the Kronia festival, where the usual social order was turned upside down, and slaves and masters switched places for a day. Think of it as history’s earliest attempt at a democratic barbecue, complete with bad decisions and overcooked meat. Meanwhile, the Romans celebrated the festival of Vestalia, honoring the goddess of the hearth, Vesta. Let’s just say, their summer parties put our backyard gatherings to shame, featuring lavish feasts and probably some questionable toga choices.

In America, our summer celebrations are mostly about barbecues, fireworks, and pretending to enjoy camping. The Fourth of July is our grand spectacle of patriotism, where we celebrate our independence by charring meat and blowing things up. It’s a beautiful thing.

Being blessed to live in Southern California, most of the year is summer for us so we grill outdoors year round, wear flip-flops on Christmas and treat two inches of rain in a day like a Nor’easter.

Summer Barbecues

Summer cuisine is all about embracing the grill, despite the fact that it turns your backyard into a mini version of hell’s kitchen. Here are some staples of the season:

  1. Hot Dogs and Hamburgers: These are a must. Because what’s better than processed meat and questionable beef patties? Add some mystery condiments and stale buns, and you’ve got yourself a feast.  But try elevating your game by trying artisan links instead of your usual mass-packed doggies.  For your burgers, try selecting the right cuts of beef from the right type of cow that gives you a mixture of 75% lean meat and 25% fat. This golden ratio is the cornerstone of a good burger that stays moist during grilling and has minimal shrinkage.  Toast up some brioche or pretzel buns and try some blue cheese or Gouda rather than good ‘ol cheddar and swiss.
  2. Potato Salad: Nothing says summer like cold potatoes mixed with mayonnaise and left out in the sun for a couple hours. Give yours a little twist and toss in some crumbled bacon and blue cheese to make your salad pop!  Just keep it under 90 degrees and you might avoid a trip to the ER.
  3. Grilled Vegetables: For those pretending to be healthy, charred zucchini and grilled asparagus are a yummeh addition to any outdoor feast. Bonus points if you glaze them with a little balsamic vinegar just before taking them off the grill.
  4. Corn on the Cob: A true summer classic, slathered in butter and sprinkled with salt. Or you can go Mexican Street Corn style and really make your tummy happy. Just make sure you have plenty of dental floss on hand for those post-corn kernel extractions.
  5. Watermelon: The epitome of refreshing summer fruit, and the perfect excuse to spit seeds at your friends under the guise of “friendly competition.”  Try brushing steak-like quarters with some of that balsamic glaze then toss them on the grill for a minute or two for a very unexpected bit of delish.

Whatever you are cooking up, remember to have fun with it and try your very best to not make it a chore.  Prep ahead as much as possible so you can enjoy the weather, not get a sunburn from the grill heat.

Summer Rose is a must!

Wine Pairings: Because You’ll Need It

Surviving summer’s social obligations requires more than a sense of humor if you’re coming to my place! You’ll need wine, lots of wine.  But who really wants a bold Cabernet Sauvignon when it’s 91 degrees at eight o’clock at night?  Heavy much?

Allow me to make a few suggestions on what to stock up on this summer.  Here are some perfect pairings to get you through:

  1. Rosé: The quintessential summer wine. It ranges from baby pink to sunset coral, it’s chilled, and it makes you look sophisticated while masking your existential dread about the heat.  It’s also super food friendly so you really can’t go wrong with a bottle from Provence although California does have some beauties, if I do say so myself.
  2. Sauvignon Blanc: Crisp, refreshing, and perfect for day sipping with the girls by the pool. It pairs well with seafood, salads, and awkward family gatherings.  I’m a huge fan of Sauvignon Blancs from South Africa and Australia.
  3. Moscato: One of the oldest grape varietals of all, Moscato is sweet and can linger with pear, honeysuckle and orange. Great with desserts and tolerating your neighbor’s impromptu pool party.
  4. Pinot Grigio: Light, zesty, and ideal for sipping while you’re manning the grill and desperately trying not to burn the burgers (again).  One of my all-time favorites for summer.
  5. Chardonnay: For when you’re feeling a bit more elegant you can go with an unoaked Chardonnay for a bit of a fresher take. Best enjoyed in large quantities to cope with your in-laws’ extended visit.

Sure, summer is marketed as a paradise of beach trips and perfect tans, but let’s be honest. It’s also about sweating profusely in places you didn’t know could sweat, and desperately trying to keep your plants alive. The best part of summer is arguably the air conditioning.

But let’s really talk about the joys of beach outings. I adore watching the waves crash onto the shore no matter what season, so I sat and really thought about the beach trips over the years.  When being as tan as humanly possible was the thing, and before you could achieve that from a booth at every strip mall in the city, I’d lug my folding lounger to Trancas Beach and slather on the baby oil whenever I could.  When we were kids we would grab the coolest shaped Tupperware to build funky sand castles and dig for sand crabs and I remember that as being fun.  You know what wasn’t fun? The feeling of sand in places sand should never be, seagulls stealing your snacks, and the constant fear of stepping on something slimy in the water. But hey, at least you’ll get some great Instagram photos out of it, right?

What I do love about summer are the sultry warm summer nights, provided I have a Thermacell mosquito repellent every twenty feet.  Once upon a time it was my ritual to go out on the patio and watch the sun set and reflect on the day as the air cooled and the blazing sky turned inky and cool.  The frogs would serenade me as I took way too long to drink a single glass of wine because I just didn’t want the moment to end too fast.  Romanticizing a bit?  Perhaps.  Why not?

In the end, summer is about making the most of the warmer days and nights. It’s about enjoying those fleeting moments of well toasted joy, like when you find the perfect shady spot at a picnic or successfully avoid a bee sting. It’s about being in the moment and laughing at the silliness of it all, from sunburns to ant invasions.  So, raise a well chilled glass of wine, slather on that sunscreen, and let’s dive headfirst into the sweaty, sticky, bug-filled embrace of summer. Enjoy the madness, the mishaps, and the memories. Here’s to another summer of pretending to love it all – because deep down, we actually do.


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