HomeBe MerryFingers Crossed

Fingers Crossed

As I sit down to pen this blog post, I find myself teetering on the precipice of anticipation – the creation of my very first audiobook hangs delicately in the balance. What began as a mere whisper of an idea has now evolved into a symphony of words, poised on the brink of release, pending the all-important nod of approval.

My first foray into complete, 1oo% independent publishing of Wine, Wit & Wisdom was a huge test. Creating the eBook and the paperback from scratch, on my own was daunting and fraught with errors.  While the content is from my soul, it didn’t turn out as polished as I had hoped but the audiobook creation, that was interesting and an eye-opener.  Things have changed since I first attempted creating an audiobook for my first novel, Shadows of Doubt. I realized it was almost ten years to the day that I started recording.  Tech is different, process is different. Things are so much simpler than they used to be. Sort of.

I realized it was almost ten years to the day that I started recording.  Tech is different, process is different. Things are so much simpler than they used to be. Sort of. I never finished my audiobooks for a Series of Shadows but I may revisit that soon.

Join me as I take you on a behind-the-scenes journey of the highs, the lows, and the nail-biting moments of waiting for the green light to unleash my literary offspring into the world of spoken word.

First things first, let’s talk about the elephant in the room – the nerve-racking wait for approval. Ah, the sweet agony of uncertainty as I refresh my inbox with bated breath, fingers crossed in hopes of receiving that golden ticket of validation. It’s a story as old as time itself – the delicate balancing act between confidence and self-doubt, each email notification sending my heart in to my throat with fear,  and anticipation.

It hasn’t been the greatest month for me.  While I’ll go into that in depth in my Podcast, let’s just say that Mercury being retrograde did not help one bit.

But amidst the anxious haze, there’s a glimmer of excitement – the prospect of sharing my creation with the world. I actually believe Wine, Wit & Wisdom reads far better in audiobook than on the page.  (But I’ve been wrong before.) With each passing moment, I find myself envisioning the countless ears that will soon be accosted by the sound of my words, each listener embarking on their own journey through the corridors of my mind.  Scary thought, actually.

Of course, no tale of audio conquest would be complete without a nod to the unsung hero of the production – the recording equipment. Here’s a visual for you: me, huddled in my mother’s closet crouched on a step stool with a TV tray as a workbench, surrounded by a fortress of hanging clothing, all in the name of achieving that perfect acoustics. A scene straight out of a DIY enthusiast’s nightmare, but hey, desperate times call for desperate measures.

And then there were the unexpected curveballs – the rogue noises that seemed to have a mind of their own. From the dog scratching at the door and barking, my mother pushing her call button repeatedly because she wanted me to watch a commercial, to my rumbling stomach. My recording sessions were a veritable menagerie of sound effects and interruptions. But instead of viewing them as nuisances, I chose to embrace them as charming quirks, adding a touch of authenticity to the audio landscape.


Despite the chaos and cacophony, there were moments of pure magic – those instances where words flowed effortlessly from pen to paper, and from lips to microphone. It was in those fleeting moments that I caught a glimpse of the transformative power of storytelling, transcending the confines of the written page and finding new life in the realm of audio.

And now, as I stand on the brink of releasing my audiobook into the wild, I can’t help but feel a sense of pride and accomplishment, tempered with the nervous anticipation of awaiting approval. It’s been a journey filled with laughter, frustration, and everything in between. But through it all, one thing remains abundantly clear – the beauty of creation lies not in the perfection of the finished product, but in the messy, marvelous process of bringing it to life.

So here’s to the storytellers, the dreamers, and the daring souls who dare to breathe life into their words. May your voices be heard, your tales be cherished, and your journey be filled with endless wonder.

Until next time, with fingers crossed and hearts aflutter, eat, drink and be merry!

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