HomeWineBoy oh Boisset…
The Boisset Collection

Boy oh Boisset…

Despite my wine certifications, my wine education is primarily autodidactic and will never ever be complete in this lifetime. I truly believe I forget more than I learn given my brain is turning into Swiss cheese. My horrible name recognition is a serious problem. I don’t remember names well, at all. Where a wine is concerned, the wine, winery or winemaker has to really make an impression on me for it to stick. Chateau Margaux, Klein Constantia, Château Lafite Rothschild, Gallo, Opus One, Kendall-Jackson, Yellowtail, even Boone’s Farm. Yes, I said it. The point is, those names pop off the top of my head. Few of them it’s because of the emotional memory they hold in my cranium. So when I heard the name “Jean-Charles Boisset” I will admit I drooled a little. No recognition at all. The Boisset Collection? No clue. Who’s in the “collection“?

  • 1881 Napa
  • American Vintage
  • Buena Vista Winery
  • DeLoach Vineyards
  • Durant & Booth
  • Elizabeth Spencer Winery
  • Founder’s Ranch
  • Frenchie Winery
  • JCB by Jean-Charles Boisset
  • Joliesse Vineyards
  • Lockwood Vineyard
  • LVE: Legend Vineyard Exclusive
  • Lyeth Estate
  • Oakville Grocery
  • Raymond Vineyards
  • Secret Indulgence
  • The Ink House
  • Wappo Hill
  • Wattle Creek Winery

Really? I know a lot of those names! Who knew!

The Boisset Collection

This came about because a while back my fabulous neighbors invited me to their home for a private wine tasting. I love my neighbors. My sister insisted I venture out of my hole and go, so I did. The brief escape was amazing and the wine was truly special. I was introduced to the Boisset Collection and the spectacular MiShawn Williams who proposed I look deeper into Boisset. Sadly, it would be nearly a year before I would truly hear what MiShawn had proposed and I was certain that ship had sailed. Then, by divine intervention or ESP, she would reach out again. The Universe had spoken. I needed to listen up and learn about this “Collection” a bit more.

First stop was Wikipedia which told me:

Boisset Collection (formally known as Boisset Family Estates) is the US office of family-owned Boisset, La Famille des Grands Vins, France’s third largest wine group, and Burgundy’s largest wine producer. A family-owned producer and importer of wines from France, California, Italy and Canada, Boisset Family Estates is one of the Top 25 wine producers in the United States.

The Boisset Collection is led by Jean-Charles Boisset.


Jean-Charles Boisset and his sister Nathalie founded Domaine de la Vougeraie in 1999, consolidating their family’s vineyards in Burgundy. This consolidation included vineyards in the Clos de Vougeot, Bouchard Aîné & Fils, and Louis Bouillot to name a few.

Their parents, Jean-Claude and Claudine Boisset founded the family’s first winery in 1961 in Burgundy, France.  And their children have built quite an impressive legacy with Jean-Charles at the helm.

Jean-Charles is a larger than life kind of guy and reminds me a great deal of my Step-Father, Jerry who passed in 2017. Their fashion sense most notably. Flamboyant, a touch brash, Jean-Charles is hugely forward-thinking with a deep respect for the environment. He implemented organic and Biodynamic farming at all of the family’s estate vineyards in Burgundy and California. He is also credited with being one of the first Burgundian vintners to use screwcaps instead of corks. This just goes to show that you can care for the Earth wearing Louboutin instead of Birkenstocks! How could I not like this guy?

But what about the wines? I cannot, in good conscience, get behind a crappy product. Wine is no exception so what do you do? You pop some corks, silly! It’s a dirty job but… Oh hell no it’s not! I am slowly, but surely, working my way through the vast wine list that is the Boisset Collection. I’ll be honest, there are a few so far that I doubt I would bother purchasing again but for those few, there are shining stars that I will not be without in my wine fridge. I’m not going to name names here. You will just have to sift through my reviews to figure out which I adore so far. I will give you a little hint though. Everything John Legend touches turns to gold.

To add to the impressive CV, Jean-Charles Boisset is married to Gina Gallo. Yes, THAT Gallo. She is the granddaughter of Julio Gallo and a titan in her own Louboutins. The power couple do massive philanthropic work and look fabulous while doing it. They were just awarded the inaugural, 2023 Open Hearts Humanitarian Award. Open Hearts being Jane Seymour and James Keach’s amazing Foundation.

I was sold. Hand me a tissue and sign me up.

Here I am now, an Independent Boisset Collection Ambassador but do not for one second assume that Boisset wines are all I partake in. Oh no no no. Wine is my brand. I just happen to adore the Boisset Collection and thoroughly dig the ethos. Family, passion, history, innovation, and a commitment to sustainability.


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